Our Specialists Transformed a Kitchen Floor in Port St. John With Their Amazing Stone Cleaning Service
February 16, 2024
There are many things to consider when trying to keep a spotless kitchen. Even when we take care of cleaning up after each meal, a kitchen will start looking messy and crowded when we least expect it. A homeowner in Port St. John never thought cleaning her kitchen floor would give her so much trouble since she'd always managed to have her kitchen meet her standards. Despite all this, the grout on her kitchen floor was a sore spot that ruined the appearance of everything around it.
Since cleaning products did nothing to solve the problem, the homeowner decided to look for professional stone cleaning services in Port St. John. After all, she didn't want to unknowingly damage her stone tiles with DIY methods, and a restoration company would surely provide long-lasting results. Thankfully, her search ended sooner than expected. The homeowner found Sir Grout Space Coast online and a few minutes browsing our website were enough to convince her of our team's expertise.
Our specialists visited her home a few days later, on the date she'd requested for an in-home evaluation. They observed the kitchen floor and tested their cleaner on parts of the grout. There was a lot of dirt to get through but it hadn't affected the grout in any permanent way. Foot traffic did a lot to increase the amount of grime that entered the room and generic cleaners only made the problem worse by trapping all these elements on the grout pores. That's why the stains got thicker and darker without showing any of the homeowner's cleaning efforts. After checking the entire surface, our techs proposed a solution. They offered to return later that week for the restoration, explaining each step of the process and answering the client's questions. By the end of the appointment, she felt much better about her chances of restoring her kitchen floor.
As scheduled, our crew returned after a couple of days with everything they needed to work on the kitchen floor. They started by using a stone-safe cleaner and a high-speed scrubber on the floor's surface. It didn't take long for the dirt to grow loose and our techs worked efficiently to eliminate all the stains. Our cleaner also made things easier, detaching grime, dust, and grease from the grout and the stone tiles.
For the next step, our specialists restored the grout lines with Sir Grout's signature ColorSeal. This amazing sealant keeps external elements away from the grout's porous surface while improving its appearance overall. The grout lines will look smooth and spotless for months at a time, no matter how much traffic they get every day. Homeowners can complete their cleaning in record time without having to put extra effort into each stain.
Our team made sure to pick the right color to match the stone tiles and the transformation was a sight to behold. The effect was all the more evident once they were done buffing the floor with stone sealant. The result was everything the homeowner could've asked for and more. Her floor looked gorgeous and it only enhanced the classic elegance of her kitchen area.
Our experts gladly shared some additional tips with the homeowner when she expressed her interest in knowing about safer cleaning solutions. They started by recommending pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. Unlike many store-bought products, our powerful formula is highly effective at removing stains, so you don't need to scrub the same spot too harshly or mix different solutions in your cleaning routine. Homeowners can use our product on kitchen surfaces without worrying about chemical fumes contaminating the air and food nearby. It's the ideal chance to create a safer environment in the most active parts of your home.
We also recommend keeping a healthy flow of fresh air around your living spaces, which is why our techs reminded the client to open the windows and doors from time to time. Constant air circulation is vital to keep a nice environment, with no mold and mildew to affect the durability of high-traffic surfaces. The homeowner thanked our specialists for sharing all these pointers and promised to recommend Sir Grout Space Coast to all her friends in Port St. John.
You can always trust the specialists at Sir Grout Space Coast. We know how to use their skillset to deliver the most amazing results, so you can get a stunning grout even after years of exposure to the elements. Feel free to call (321) 450-7440 or schedule a free quote online if you want to request an appointment. You can also reach out to us if you have specific questions about our hard surface restoration services. Lastly, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.